Selling Purpose Designed Equipment to Improve Lean Manufacturing Assembly Areas

Dani Eng

Parts Manager

Email Dani

College Education

Bachelor of Science, Metropolitan State University

Year started at FlexMation


Describe what you do in 6 words or less:

Customer service, quoting and purchasing!

Why did you choose to do what you do?

I have a degree in the field I work in. I’ve always seen myself as an “office” worker.

What’s your favorite part about life at FlexMation?

My favorite part about FlexMation is getting involved in all the custom projects we create!

Coolest thing you’ve worked on?

A couple of years ago we did a job where we had to install a 6 ft. x 11 ft. piece of glass into an assembly. I nervously watched while the assemblers installed this piece! It took some finesse but they got it in without any trouble.

If you could spend an hour talking with anyone, from any time period, who would it be?

I would love to talk to my Grandpa Lenny; he passed before I was born. It would be awesome to hear his outlook on life in general. I’ve been told that he was fun and lovable with a quick sense of humor – my kind of people!

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